Did you know that there are multiple seeds we can  just simply add to our daily diet in order to restore hormone balance and even tame PCOD symptoms?


Seeds for hormone health

A quick and easy way to boost hormone health

Ever wondered what seeds are excellent for? Well, besides being a common snack, they can be an easy and delicious way to support your hormone health. How, you ask?

Well, seeds can simply be added to our everyday meals to restore our body’s hormonal health and even tame PCOS symptoms.

Is that something you just learned today? Then read on to find out more!

What type of benefits do seeds have?

Nowadays, it’s obvious how people are becoming increasingly conscious of their health, whether it’s about how they eat, sleep, exercise and even how they do leisure activities, especially in post-COVID times. So before including a particular ingredient or dish into one’s diet, one may ask, “what health benefits do I get if I eat this?” Since we’re talking about seeds, lets explore which nutrients we can acquire from eating this super food.

What if I say that seeds are filled with many healthy surprises and are one of the super foods you can eat to achieve a healthier version of yourself? Some of the hormone helpful nutrients that can be found in seeds are:

  1. Healthy fats such as Omega-3 Fatty Acids
  2. Fibre
  3. Zinc
  4. Lignans
  5. Vitamin E

These nutrients may help you with the following conditions:

  1. Irregular periods
  2. Heavy flows
  3. Terrible PMS (bloating, moods, pains, energy, headaches)
  4. Fibroids
  5. Endometriosis
  6. Breast lumps
  7. Thyroid nodules
  8. Fibrocystic and painful breasts
  9. Low thyroid issues
  10. Hair loss and brittle hair
  11. Weight gain around the hip and thighs
  12. Water retention
  13. Cellulite
  14. Hot flashes
  15. Night sweats
  16. Fatigue
  17. Mood Swings

Eating the nutrients found in seeds can be one part of your plan to support your health when you’re experiencing anything from the list above.

A note on ‘Seed Cycling’

You might have heard that you need to eat certain seeds during certain parts of your menstrual cycle to get the best effects.  This is known as “Seed Cycling” and has been a common trend in holistic hormone support for a while. This might be somewhat controversial, but I don’t believe this is necessary. The seeds themselves contain excellent nutrition for fertility, however there is not solid evidence that eating them at specific times in our cycle makes any difference. See here for more on this.

What’s the best seed mix for hormone health?

From my training, research, and experience, there’s a combination of 4 seeds that give you excellent nutrients to support your menstrual cycle and hormone health. They are:

Pumpkin Seeds

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These seeds are high in Zinc which helps boost progesterone production! If you consume pumpkin seeds on a daily basis, symptoms of progesterone deficiency, such as migraines, headaches, depression, anxiety, and mood swings, can be alleviated since your body will be able to control them better.

Flax Seeds

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Other than Omega 3 Fatty Acids, antioxidants called lignans can also be seen in this type of seed according to a study from the Journal of Food Science and Technology. These lignans can limit the overproduction of estrogen, which can cause bloating, fatigue, mood swings, menstrual cramps, breast tenderness, and even acne.

A study from the Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism shows that these seeds can also help improve ovulation and fertility. [2]

Sesame Seeds

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Sesame seeds are like Pumpkin Seeds and Flax Seeds combined!

Like Pumpkin Seeds, these ones also contain a high amount of Zinc, which can boost progesterone production, and just like Flax Seeds, they also have lignans to help you curb excess estrogen production, and is a really great ingredient to help you improve fertility if you’re planning to get pregnant!

It’s also great in helping manage PMS symptoms such as mood changes, headaches, acne, bloating, and breast tenderness! [1]

Sunflower Seeds

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According to a study by the Journal of Dairy Science, this type of seed is a great source of Vitamin E, which also helps increase progesterone production and curb PMS symptoms.

It’s also rich in selenium, which is a micronutrient great for the liver when it comes to estrogen detoxification, according to the study in the journal “Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.” [1]

So, how to add these to our daily diet?

To get these benefits, add a mix of the seeds mentioned above to your diet by eating at least two tablespoons daily. Some foods I like to add seeds to are 

– Bagels with a spread

– Salads 

– Stir-fry dishes

– Granola

– Smoothie bowls

– Sandwiches

– Cereal, and 

– Oatmeal

These hormone-helpful seeds can even make a great snack on their own.

If you would like to go deeper into understanding how to support your hormone health and truly love your cycle instead of suffering through, think about booking a “Happier Hormones” consultation to do a deep dive and learn how to relieve your symptoms. Or contact me  to learn more about my 12 week Heal your Hormones program.

With Kindness and Love,
Christine McInnis RCRT MARR

Willow Therapies is Christine McInnis, RCRT MARR. Advanced Reflexology Therapist, Mind-Body Hormone and Migraine Support, and Zone Face Lift Practitioner. The Willow Therapies Studio is located in South Headingley, 5 minutes from the West Winnipeg perimeter. Information on virtual services can be found at www.online.willowtherapies.ca

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