Reproflexlogy for Menopause

For more than just fertility; Reproflexology is a wonderful support for Menopause symptoms

Let’s talk about Reproflexology for Menopause. Reproductive reflexology (Reproflexology) often is perceived as support for fertility and chronic reproductive health conditions – which it is. However, the less talked about group we support are women going through peri-menopause and menopause.

Why focus on Menopause?

Perimenopause is often diagnosed by the symptoms the client experiences. And menopause is defined as the cessation of menstrual cycles and at least one year without a period. Symptoms related to this stage last on average 7 years. That is altogether too long to be held back by your body’s changing hormones.

It is during this transitory time that women often experience many symptoms. Symptoms such as:
– Hot Flashes
– Night Sweats
– Mood Changes
– Brain Fog
– Irritability
– Insomnia and Interrupted Sleep
– Anxiety
– Low Energy

Does Reproflexology help?

My advanced reproductive reflexology training is wonderful to address any changes or imbalances in reproductive hormones, and the transition to menopause is no exception. In my clients, I have noticed improvements or cessation of most of the above symptoms. And with the improved sleep, energy, and mood, they can live their lives to the fullest again.

Reproflexology to target menopause symptoms consists of 1 hour foot reflexology sessions. Depending on how much the symptoms affect your well-being, I recommend starting with weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly sessions. The increased frequency of treatments should give you quicker relief.

*These can be combined with other services, such as aromatherapy foot soaks, holistic facials and facial cupping, to help bring a youthful glow back to the skin.

Many of my clients experiencing night sweats that affect their sleep notice results that last approximately 3 – 4 weeks after each appointment, once they have been visiting me consistently and built up that baseline effect. And most will notice at least a slight improvement after only one or two sessions.


*One thing to note – this therapy is not suitable for those also on Hormone Replacement Therapy. In that case, standard reflexology is the better choice and can be fantastic for stress management.

How to experience Reproflexlogy for menopause yourself...

Seeking relief from your own menopause symptoms? Here’s your chance! You can view more information on Reproflexology at

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Or contact Christine McInnis, RCRT MARR directly at